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Dedicated team, high level of response and resolution to customer's request, i have the feeling that they are fully dedicated to my project.
Yazeed Al-Harbi, MD, Eltezam
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

The quality of people nominated through PiE recruitment solutions is not comparable to any other recruitment solution/agency results. In some cases we wanted to have a look at high level summary of the candidates' results, and in other cases we needed to dig deeper into details, PiE's solution have served us instantly in both cases.
I am leading a 250 million Saudi Riyal capital company, which is specialized totally in manpower supplying, we are keen to reach such an automation level which would ease our selection and nomination process with overseas recruitment agencies.
Abdullah Al-Qarni, COO, ESAD
Khobar, Saudi Arabia

I do take care about small details, and i believe in automation, not in recruitment though ! as i believe that successful recruitment would have a lot of human interaction points in order to hire the best candidate as a result, among these points is the chemistry between candidate and his/her leader/manager and team.
PiE team have convinced me that even the touch points which, from my point of view, must have a human interaction can be automated in another way, they have a very interesting mix of tools & solutions in which they served our needs and requirements through, plus their senior and professional consultants in the same field to support the process, and it actually did give us the chance to review the whole process & steps in order to reach up to 90% of convenience about the candidates before even we meet them !
Adnan Abdullah, Tawadu, HR Manager
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia